If you are interested in participating this Coordination Action please contact us!
A short title
Try to write this such that someone not from the field can read it.
Provide additional information to the introduction to place the problem in a 'real-world' context; supplies conceptual relevance that is not part of the problem.
List here all major actors. Actors can be groups or individuals. If a research group participates, don't list all members. Write a few words about the roles of the actors, Separate out whom you are locally/nationally going to start with (use the top box for the initial, mostly local actors, and the bottom box in case you later get more actors involved. It will often be useful to distinguish between biologists, bioinformaticians, and service providers as the end-user.
Briefly describe where the project is standing now (i.e. give some kind of zero-state description). Please write this in the light of the next box.
Briefly describe where the project should be standing at the end of ALLBIO support. Please write this in the light of the previous box.
Briefly describe what you are going to do. Describe which problems you believe should be solved to get from the initial state to the desired final state. Feel free to think out of the box. Use the top box for the technical things. Use the bottom box for the meetings you plan (nationally and internationally). In the technical box, list whether you intend to use exsiting things, whether you intend to write new software (and which actors will do that), etc. Please do not forget the ALLBIO mission.
This is the free for all box. You can list here things like the importance of this test case for certain fields, groups, or actors. References to projects or articles that relate to the problem, etc.
If you accidentally know about related test cases (i.e. test cases with which you can share software or actors), then please list them here; if not, leave this box here for the board or other ALLBIO members to write notes on inter test case relations.
Agree that the Test Case will be published on this site as soon as selected. The authors will be informed before the publication.