Local community building event Switzerland

About 40 participants were following 11 presentations of the Swiss AllBio Commiunity Building event at the University of Lausanne. During the discussions several test case candidates were individuated. They will be developed further and uploaded onto the AllBio portal.

Programme of the meeting:

  • 09:00 Welcome address by the director of Vital-IT, Prof. Ioannis Xenarios
  • 09:15 Laurent Falquet: «Introduction to the ALLBIO European Action»
  • 09.45 Adem Bilican: «Evolution of alternative splicing regulatory mechanisms in vertebrates»
  • 10:15 Diego Cortez: «Finding mammalian Y chromosome transcripts using RNA sequencing data»
  • 10:45 coffee break
  • 11:15 Oksana Riba-Grognuz: «The making of a model: case study of the Red Fire Ant»
  • 11:45 Yvan Wenger: «Orthologome computing reveals the dynamics underlying the emergence of eumetazoan traits»
  • 12:15 lunch break
  • 13:15 Gina Cannarozzi: «Genome and Transcriptome Sequencing of Eragrostis tef»
  • 13:45 Luca Santuari: «Identification of EMS-induced mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana using ultra-high throughput sequencing»
  • 14:15 Christian Fankhauser or Markus Kohnen: «A network of bHLH class transcription factors regulate growth in Arabidopsis»
  • 14:45 coffee break
  • 15.15 Vladimir Senchilo: «Metagenomic analysis of mobile DNA»
  • 15:45 Anouk Necsulea: «Annotating long non-coding RNAs in non-model organisms»
  • 16:15 Cédric Howald: «The ENCODE effort combining RNA-seq and RT-PCR-seq allows to catalog thousands of novel lncRNAs»
  • 16:45 Final round table discussion

Announcing the Vital-IT User Day 2012

Date: Friday March 30

Location: Auditorium A, Genopode UNIL, 1015 Lausanne Switzerland

Focus: Bioinformatics for large scale non-human projects

Bioinformatics tools for the effective exploitation of high throughput data are of increasing importance. We would like to show that Vital-IT ensures a balanced approach between health and non-health related applications. For this purpose we focus our Vital-IT Users Day 2012 beyond the health dimension jointly with the ALLBIO european Coordinated and Support Action. We invite all Vital-IT users to participate to discuss their successes and difficulties together with Vital-IT experts.

Sponsor: ALLBIO project funded by the FP7 work programme KBBE-2011, “FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES, AND BIOTECHNOLOGY“


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