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The University of Potsdam was established in 1991 and since its foundation has developed into an institution with modern infrastructure and a forward-looking scientific orientation. More than 20,000 students are currently enrolled in more than 100 degree programs hosted by its five faculties, of which the Faculty of Science is the largest. The University has developed Life Sciences as a major focus area with an emphasis on plant sciences, biochemistry and systems biology. It closely cooperates with a number of internationally renowned research institutes such as the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the German Institute for Human Nutrition, the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences, the Max Planck Institutes of Molecular Plant Physiology, of Colloids and Interfaces, and of Gravitational Physics, and with institutes of the Fraunhofer Society. The University of Potsdam is located at the Science Park Potsdam-Golm, a rapidly growing research campus gaining significance far beyond Germany's borders.
Bernd Mueller-Roeber heads the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Potsdam and the Plant Signalling Group at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology. After studying biology and philosophy in Tübingen, Marburg and Berlin he was awarded a PhD degree in biology in 1992. He completed his postdoctoral research with a habilitation in molecular plant physiology in 1998. In 2000, he became C4 Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Potsdam. He is member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech). His group studies the functions of transcription factors and the gene regulatory networks they control, employing a combination of molecular, genomics and systems biology approaches. The focus is on regulators that control leaf growth, aging and senescence, and the response to abiotic stress. The group also uses synthetic biology approaches to construct artificial regulatory networks with the aim of building synthetic bio-systems. Within Allbio he collaborates with Dr. Babette Regierer from the Max-Planck Institute of Genetics in Berlin.
Wu A, Allu AD, Garapati P, Siddiqui H, Dortay H, Zanor M-I, Asensi-Fabado MA, Munné-Bosch S, Antonio C, Tohge T, Fernie AR, Kaufmann K, Xue G-P, Mueller-Roeber B, Balazadeh S (2012) JUNGBRUNNEN1, a reactive oxygen species-responsive NAC transcription factor, regulates longevity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, in press. PMID:22345491
Omranian N, Mueller-Roeber B, Nikoloski Z (2012) PageRank-based identification of signaling crosstalk from transcriptomics data: the case of Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular BioSystems, 8(4):1121-7. PMID: 22327945
Winck FV, Riaño-Pachón DM, Sommer F, Rupprecht J, Mueller-Roeber B. (2012) The nuclear proteome of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Proteomics.12(1):95-100. PMID: 22065562
Balazadeh S, Siddiqui H, Allu AD, Matallana-Ramirez LP, Caldana C, Mehrnia M, Zanor MI, Köhler B, Mueller-Roeber B. (2010) A gene regulatory network controlled by the NAC transcription factor ANAC092/AtNAC2/ORE1 during salt-promoted senescence. Plant J. 62(2):250-64. PMID: 20113437
Pérez-Rodríguez P, Riaño-Pachón DM, Corrêa LG, Rensing SA, Kersten B, Mueller-Roeber B. (2010) PlnTFDB: updated content and new features of the plant transcription factor database. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Database issue): D822-7. PMID: 19858103