HACKATHON2 Test Cases #9 and #12

Promising results from the first hack-a-thon session in September (Amsterdam) encouraged us to organize a second session for for these 2 Test Cases #9 and #12. It will take place from 27 to 29 November in the Department of Plant Protection Biology of Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), Alnarp, Sweden.

Venue: SLU Alnarp (8 km north of Malmö)
Hotel: Comfort Hotell, Carlsgatan 10C, 211 20 Malmö +46-40-33 04 40 (next to Malmö Central Station, http://goo.gl/maps/kYbRl)

TC Leaders: Oren Tzfadia and Erik Alexandersson

Agnieszka Danek (Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland)
Estelle Wera (SLU)
Itziar Frades (SLU)
Didi Amar (Weizmann Institute)
Erik Alexandersson (SLU)
Oren Tzfadia (Weizmann Institute)

Remotely: Tatyana Goldberg, Kate Dreher

Software: Use of already set-up VM (surfSara, Amsterdam)

To-do list before the hack-a-thon:
Finish outstanding workflows for comparison during hack-a-thon and visualization of outcome (Didi, Estelle, Itziar and Tanya).
Maintenance of VM (Agnieszka).

Hack-a-thon schedule:

Tuesday 26 November
Arrival Agnieszka (12:05 at Malmö airport) and Oren (evening Copenhagen Airport)
18:00 Meet and greet with Itziar and/or Estelle

Wednesday 27 November (Seminar room H-house)
8:30 Pick-up at Comfort Hotell
9:00-12:00 Set-up, introduction to 2nd hack-a-thon and check of shell script
12:00-13:00 Lunch (and pick of Didi at Malmö Central Station)
13:00-14:00 Discussion on how and if to merge flows to one Diamond flow
14:00-18:00 Working on merging flows
19:00 Dinner in Malmö

Thursday 28 November (Morning: Kronliljan, Navet Afternoon: Lilla sessionssalen, Slottet)
8:30 Pick-up at Comfort Hotell
9:00-12:00 Working on merging flows
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-18:00 Adapting data for public use and accessibility
Free evening: Hack or Slack!

Friday 29 November (Seminar room H-house)
8:30 Pick-up at Comfort Hotell
9:00-13:00 Deposition of data and finalizing figures
13:00-15:00 Lunch and tour of the park
15:00-16:00 Presentation Oren and discussion
16:00-17:00 Last push!
20:00 End of Hack-a-thon II dinner at “Från tryne till knorr” in Malmö

Saturday 30 November
Departure Oren, Didi and Agnieszka

public/hack6.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/12 09:04 by
Trace: start csc sib slu agm2 febs hack6